The members of the natural resin production and processing sector in Southwest Europe, gathered in the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova (Portugal) on the occasion of the International Conference "Exploitation of Resin: Our Forests Have a Promising Future" held on 30 and 31 May 2019 with the aim of creating a European organisation to support the sector of natural resin

Los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de contribuir al diseño de la RETR compartiendo sus ideas y opiniones a través de mesas de trabajo, encuestas y entrevistas personales. Como resultado se presentaron las bases de la Red en la Declaración de Proença-a-Nova,  que serán las bases paa la creación de la futura RETR

That the strategic approach of the future European Network of Resin Regions should be based on:

The European Network of Resin Regions aims at being the reference organization in the natural resin sector at European level, bringing together in a solid, integral and open way all the members of its value chain, recognized by the socio-economic actors as a legitimate sectorial partner, accredited for its technical rigor and appreciated by the society as an entity that contributes to the achievement of sustainable development objectives.

The European Network of Resin Regions will aim at leading initiatives that increase the profitability of the activity of the members of the European natural resin value chain in the market, the roots of the resin activity and culture in the forest territories, the visibility of the sector as a generator of positive externalities for the society and manufacturing products that meet sustainable development objectives, as well as obtaining support by the public authorities.

The relations between the members of the network, as well as the decision-making by managing bodies will be governed by the principles of coordination, collaboration, transparency, solidarity and proportional representation, giving priority in all cases to ensuring cohesion and sectoral structuring.

In the coming months, it is necessary to work on the organisation and structure of the ENRR, as well as on the accession of new members in order to formally present the Network at the end of 2019.

The ENRR is open to the participation of all members of the European natural resin value chain and its ecosystems. If you or your organisation are interested in supporting the creation of the ENRR, you can collaborate by joining the European Network of Resin Regions by sending the form using the link below.

For questions about the membership process or the creation of the ENRR please contact  or  


Declaración de Proença-a-Nova


Are you interested in being part of the future of the European resin industry?

Access the membership form and send us your details or those of the entity you wish to participate.

I want to join the ENRR

By sending this form you are expressing your wish to join the European Network of Resin Regions (ENRR) at an early stage.


Ayuntamiento de Robleda (Salamanca)

CERTIS - Controlo e Certificação, Lda.


Câmara Municipal de Góis

GIFF - Gestão Integrada e Fomento Florestal

INIAV - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P.

Industrial Resinera Valcán, S.A.

Ingniería y Desarrollo Sostenible S XXI, S.L.

Resinas Navas de Oro

Resinas y Colofonias Modificadas, S.A.

Soria Consultores, S.L.

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha